Services for Students with Disabilities
Board of Trustees Policy: 4.3
Services for Students with Disabilities and Grievance Procedure In Accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Date: October 2024
Supersedes: June 2023, August 2020, April 2013, April 2009
Montgomery County Community College (the College) welcomes eligible students with disabilities and endorses the principles of nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodation as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) and, the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College's policy and procedures for serving and accommodating students with disabilities are designed to ensure equal opportunity to participate in its educational programs, services, and activities as well as establishes grievance procedures as well as a process to report a violation
1. Eligibility for Services and Accommodations
To be eligible for services and reasonable accommodations, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Be a person with a disability as defined by 504/ADA
A person with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (for example, walking, seeing, hearing, thinking, concentrating, and learning). A substantial limitation exists if the manner, duration, or condition under which the activity is performed is significantly limited compared to most people. Regarding post-secondary education, a qualified person with a disability is one who, with or without accommodation, meets the standards for admission to or participation in an educationl program, service, or activity. (Adapted from Subpart E: The Impact of Section 504 on Postsecondary Education, Association of Higher Education and Disability.)
2. Determining Accommodations
The College is not required to make an accommodation that substantially alters essential elements of a course or program or to implement accommodations retroactively. The Office of Disability Services determines appropriate accommodations in conjunction with the student and other college professionals, as appropriate.
The timeline for determining accommodations is available on the Office of Disability Services webpage.
3. Disclosure and Documentation
Student disclosure of a disability is voluntary. All students with disabilities who seek an accommodation have the responsibility to identify themselves with the Office of Disability Services. A student can identify themselves at any time during their time at the College. The College considers disability-related information as confidential material, and it will not become a part of a student’s academic record at the College. This information will be released under the following conditions:
A. if required by law
B. with the student's written consent
C. on a need-to-know basis
The College references the AHEAD guidelines (Association on Higher Education and Disability) for appropriate documentation. Accordingly, please note the following sources of documentation:
1. Primary Documentation: Student's self-report
2. Secondary Documentation: Observation and Interaction
3. Tertiary Documentation: Information from External or Third Parties
Complete guidelines for disability documentation are available on the College’s web site.
4. Appealing Accommodations Decisions
A. If a student’s request for an accommodation is denied by the Office of Disability Services, the following appeal procedure should be followed:
1) Within five (5) business days of the denial, the student must submit an Accommodations Appeals Form to the 504 Coordinator at (
2) The 504 Coordinator will respond to the appeal within five (5) business days. If they are not available to respond in a timely manner, the Coordinator's designee will decide on the student’s appeal within five (5) business days.
5.Complaints & Grievance Procedure
Complaints of disability discrimination can be filed with the 504 Coordinator at or via the 504/ADA Complaint Form.
If a faculty member refused a student an accommodation that has been approved by the Office of Disability Services, the following appeal procedure should be followed:
1) The student should complete the 504/ADA Complaint Form within five (5) business
2) The 504 Coordinator will investigate the matter in accordance with the College’s
Non-Discrimination Policies and respond with a decision within five (5) business days.
If the Director is not available to respond in a timely manner, the coordinator’s
designee will decide on the student’s appeal within the timeframe outlined above.
Employees with complaints of disability discrimination should reference Equal Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities and Grievance Procedure Policy (6.5).
6. State and Federal Agencies
Studnet who believe they may have been subjected to disabiltiy discrimination may file a formal complaint with government agencies below. Using the College’s complaint process does not prohibit a student from filing a complaint with these agencies.
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
Philadelphia Office
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Telephone: (215) 656-8541
FAX: (215) 656-8605
TDD: 800-877-8339
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (“PHRC”)
Philadelphia Regional Office
110 North 8th Street, Suite 501
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 560-2496
(215) 560-3599 TTY users only
This policy is available in alternate format(s) upon request.
7. College Contact Information
Office of Disability Services
504/ADA Coordinator